Scrapbooking Vs. Crochet

    This past weekend I had the opportunity to join a group from my church in an all day scrapbooking event. It was so nice to get away for the day and really focus on finishing some pages. Those are my little guys in their Halloween costumes last year–Go Diego Go and Baby Jaguar (but actually a lion costume from a friend).

    Despite my enjoyment, I came to a realization–there are a LOT of supplies involved in scrapbooking!  I hauled a rolling cart and two huge bags along with me, and that didn’t include other supplies I left at home.  It is a little overwhelming to me, and sometimes I feel like I don’t even know where to begin with all the possible options.

    That is what I love about crochet–all you need is a hook and some yarn.  It is so simple yet the possibilities of what you can create are endless. I haven’t met too many crafts that I didn’t like, but if I had to choose, crochet would be the winner!

    What is your favorite craft?