Pattern Giveaway Day 8: Frog Prince Hat – CLOSED

Congrats to yesterday’s winners of the big button interchangeable flowers pattern. If you didn’t win but still want the pattern, remember all patterns are buy one, get one 50% off when you use promo code BOGOHALF in the pattern store through July 31st.

Today’s prize in my 10-day pattern giveaway is the Frog Prince Hat Pattern. This hat features a rolled-up brim which forms the frog lip, probably the most kissable frog lip ever! The hat is great for everyday, but also makes a fun photo prop or costume. Leave the crown off for a plain frog hat, or add flowers or bows to make it a frog princess. This pattern is made with super bulky yarn and contains six sizes to fit newborns through adults.



There will be four chances to win this pattern! Leave a separate comment on this blog post below for each entry to get your four chances:

  1. Answer this question: how many frogs have you kissed looking for a prince?
  2. Like Micah Makes on Facebook (just post “AAF” if you are already a fan).
  3. Share a link to this blog post on your Facebook page or blog.
  4. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter (again,you can post if you are already signed up too). Not only will signing up give you an additional chance to win this pattern, but it will enter you for more chances to win free patterns.

Three winners will be chosen at random at midnight PST, and will be announced tomorrow morning. Good luck and thanks for stopping by! Come back tomorrow to see who won and to enter the next giveaway!

And the winners are….


  1. 1
    Kristin Beane says:

    I kissed way too many in the hunt for a prince!!

  2. 2
    Christine Cockcroft says:

    Too many LOL …but it was worth it for the Prince I have now 🙂

  3. 3
    christine Cockcroft says:


  4. 4
    christine Cockcroft says:

    signed up for the newsletter too

  5. 5

    WAAAAY too many! Lol

  6. 6

    Already a subscriber

  7. 7


  8. 8
  9. 9
    NIkki Little says:


  10. 10
    NIkki Little says:

    Just signed up for your newsletter!

  11. 11
    NIkki Little says:

    Too many to count – thankfully my prince came along almost 9 years ago and we celebrate 7 years of wedded bliss this coming October. =)

  12. 12
    NIkki Little says:

    Shared on my FB page –

  13. 13
    Kristin Beane says:


  14. 14
    Jennifer Mueller says:

    I haven’t kissed any real frogs, but a few “frogs” had crossed my path before I found my husband.

  15. 15
    Kristin Beane says:

    Already get your newsletter!!

  16. 16
    Jennifer Mueller says:


  17. 17
    Jennifer Mueller says:

    I already subscribe to your monthly newsletter. 🙂

  18. 18
    Jennifer Mueller says:

    Shared on Facebook! 🙂

  19. 19
    Merissa Prior says:

    Frogs I kissed……TOO many lol But I did find my prince charming, 16 years and going strong!

  20. 20
    autumn grant says:

    none – my prince was my first kiss!!! <3

  21. 21
    autumn grant says:


  22. 22

    A few but found my Prince 10 1/2 yrs ago and will celebrate 5 yrs of marriage in October!

  23. 23

    AAF on FB

  24. 24

    AAS to newsletter

  25. 25
    Merissa Prior says:


  26. 26

    Shared it

  27. 27
    autumn grant says:

    Already subscribed to the newsletter, too!

  28. 28
    Courtney Kovcic says:

    I’ve kissed two frogs.

  29. 29
    Courtney Kovcic says:


  30. 30
    Courtney Kovcic says:

    Shared it on my facebook wall.

  31. 31
    Courtney Kovcic says:

    Already subscribed to the newsletter.

  32. 32
    Lauren H says:

    I’ve never kissed any frogs. I found my prince charming right away!

  33. 33
    Lauren H says:


  34. 34
    Lauren H says:


  35. 35
    Lauren H says:

    Signed up already.

  36. 36
    Jenna Grant says:

    I’ve kissed WAY too many frogs for my liking. Still hoping to find my prince.

  37. 37
    Jenna Grant says:


  38. 38
    Jenna Grant says:

    Shared the link to your giveaway on my facebook page.

  39. 39
    Jenna Grant says:

    I’m already on your newsletter mailing list.

  40. 40
    Hazel W says:

    I’ve kissed my fair share of frogs looking for my prince.

  41. 41
    Hazel W says:


  42. 42
    Hazel W says:


  43. 43
    Hazel W says:

    Signed up for newsletter last week.

  44. 44
    Sara I says:

    Far too many…

  45. 45
    Sara I says:


  46. 46
    Adriana Janisse says:


  47. 47
    Adriana Janisse says:


  48. 48
    Adriana Janisse says:

    I shared your page on facebook and my blog.

  49. 49
    Adriana Janisse says:

    Subscribe already.

  50. 50
    Catherine Mullins says:

    Kissed so many frogs in my day.

  51. 51
    Catherine Mullins says:

    Just signed up for your newsletter.

  52. 52
    Catherine Mullins says:

    I put the link to your giveaway on my Facebook.

  53. 53
    Catherine Mullins says:

    I just became a fan of yours on Facebook today.

  54. 54
    Sara I says:

    already a newsletter subscriber.

  55. 55
    Aprile M. says:

    I haven’t kissed that many! But it didn’t take me long to find my prince charming…I was one of the lucky ones.

  56. 56
    Aprile M. says:


  57. 57
    Aprile M. says:

    Subscribed to your newsletter!

  58. 58
    Cj Lowder says:

    Too many to count!!! lol I’ve been waiting for this one!

  59. 59
    Cj Lowder says:


  60. 60
    Cj Lowder says:

    Already signed up for the newsletter!

  61. 61
    Tammy Mannoly Wilkinson says:

    I didn’t have to kiss too many frogs to find my prince! This year we celebrate our 13th anniversary

  62. 62
    Tammy Mannoly Wilkinson says:


  63. 63
    Tammy Mannoly Wilkinson says:

    already subscribed!

  64. 64
    Tammy Mannoly Wilkinson says:

    Shared on my Facebook wall!
    Thanks for all this fun!

  65. 65
    autumn grant says:

    posted a link!

  66. 66
    Belle says:

    Already a newsletter subscriber!

  67. 67
    Belle says:

    I kissed way more than 10 “frogs” before I found my prince, but that was so many many years ago, and we have lived happily ever after since then. Never kissed an amphibian – frog however!!

  68. 68
    Kristen says:

    AAF on Facebook

  69. 69
    Kristen says:

    Shared link on Facebook

  70. 70
    Kristen says:

    Already subscribe to your newsletter

  71. 71
    Kristen says:

    Haven’t kissed any frogs… Can’t they give you warts? Or am I thinking of toads… If so, how do you tell the difference?

  72. 72
    Megan Guzman says:

    Just two before I found him 😉

  73. 73
    Megan Guzman says:


  74. 74
    Megan Guzman says:

    Shared the link to my FB

  75. 75
    Megan Guzman says:

    Already an email subscriber 🙂

  76. 76
    Brandi says:

    A couple frogs, one big toad. Then my prince. 🙂

  77. 77
    Brandi says:

    Liked on FB, shared a link, subscribed to the newsletter, AND have checked out the helpful tips! Thanks for the ideas!

  78. 78
    Sue says:

    I think that I will look for a prince to kiss and see if he turns into a frog … Kermit would be nice!

  79. 79
    Sue says:


  80. 80
    Sue says:

    Already a subscriber …

  81. 81
    Sue says:

    Shared the link on my Irish Hooks & Yarn fanpage!

  82. 82
    larissa t says:


  83. 83
    larissa t says:

    Already a subscriber too 🙂

  84. 84
    larissa t says:

    And shared on my page too 🙂

  85. 85
    Debbie C. says:

    I’ve kissed two BIG UGLY ONES … should’ve listened to my mom and not wasted my time / energy!

  86. 86
    Debbie C. says:


  87. 87
    Debbie C. says:

    I shared this giveaway on my FB page!

  88. 88
    Debbie C. says:

    I subscribed to your newsletter!
    Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  89. 89

    have kissed 3

  90. 90


  91. 91

    posted on facebook

  92. 92

    already subscribe

  93. 93
    Lori Hodges says:

    Haha, way to many to count 😉

  94. 94
    Lori Hodges says:


  95. 95
    Lori Hodges says:

    Shared on FB

  96. 96
    Lori Hodges says:

    I already subscribe 🙂

  97. 97
    Sylvia Hill says:

    1. too many to count. But, I found him and that’s all that matters now 🙂

  98. 98
    Sylvia Hill says:

    AAF 🙂

  99. 99
    Sylvia Hill says:

    already subscribed 🙂

  100. 100
    Jess Henderson says:

    I kissed 3 frogs before I met my prince… and he has given me 2 little princes since!

    I posted a link to the givaway and am already a fan!

    Thank you =)

  101. 101
    Angie Chubb says:

    AAF and I signed up for the newsletter!!

    Thanks!! 😀 LOVE your hats.

  102. 103
    KelliB says:

    Too many to count!!!


  103. 104
    KelliB says:

    AAF on Facebook.

  104. 105
    KelliB says:

    Shared your link on fb..


  105. 106
    Melanie says:

    I can’t begin to count the frogs I’ve kissed!!! I should have had higher standards! LOL! However, winning this pattern would make it all worth it!!! :))))

  106. 107
    KelliB says:

    And I already subscribe to your beautiful newsletter! 😉


  107. 108
    Danielle says:

    Fanned you on facebook! <3

  108. 109
    Danielle says:

    Kissed 2 frogs before my prince (I found him at 14, so I didn’t have to dig too deep! :))

  109. 110
    Danielle says:

    Signed up for the newsletter!

  110. 111
    Danielle says:

    Shared this link on my fanpage!

  111. 112
    Heather Hillier says:

    A few, but not too many 🙂 Married my high school sweetheart <3

  112. 113
    Heather Hillier says:


  113. 114
    Heather Hillier says:

    Already subscribe to your newsletter

  114. 115
    Heather Hillier says:

    Posting the link to facebook now!!! I love, love, love this hat! Soooooo cute!!!

  115. 116
    leanne says:

    Too many! Found my wonderful prince though! 🙂

  116. 117
    leanne says:

    Liked on FB!

  117. 118
    leanne says:

    Signed up for newsletter. 🙂

  118. 119
    leanne says:

    Shared on Fb 🙂